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Book Cover Design Package

Print Book Cover Design

Are you looking for a unique and eye-catching cover for your latest project? Well, look no further, I am here to help design you a killer cover that will pull readers in and help tell your wonderful story with just one look!
⭐ What You Get: ⭐
✅ Print Ready Book Cover Design (Amazon, IngramSpark, Lulu, etc)
✅ Back & Spine Designs
✅ Commercial Use
✅ Source File
✅ JPG and PDF files
✅ Design Concept
✅ 3D Mockup
✅ Social Media Kit
✅ Jacket Cover
✅ Audiobook Cover (ACX)

✅ Title, Subtitle, Author name.
✅ Paperback Wrap / Print Cover - Book sizes, Pages No's, Blurb, Author Bio.

e-Book Cover Design

Your eBook should Honor a Dynamic Formatting: e-Book formatting should be responsive & allow for multiple Features customization once it’s displayed on your e-readers devices.
⭐ What You Get: ⭐
✅ Easily surf eBook pages;
✅ Clickable Hyperlink Table Of Contents
✅ Handy Bookmarks
✅ Your Manuscript can include images
✅ Hussle-free Upload to any eBook Formatting platform (“ePub” + Mobi + “HTML” + “Doc”)
✅ Source file “Doc, Docx” for any future updates
✅ Footers & headers formatting
✅ Standard paragraph indentation
✅ Drop caps for fiction
✅ Custom fonts
✅ Hyphenation control
✅ 300 dpi PDF

Print Book and eBook Cover Design Package

Print Book Cover Design Standard

$47 /Book
  • Print Ready Book Cover Design (Amazon, IngramSpark, Lulu, etc)
  • Back & Spine Designs
  • Commercial Use
  • Source File - JPG and PDF files
  • Commercial Use
  • 2 Design Concepts
  • 3 Revisions
  • 3-Day Delivery Time

Print Book Cover Design Pro

$97 /Book
  • Print Ready Book Cover Design (Amazon, IngramSpark, Lulu, etc)
  • Back & Spine Designs
  • Source File - JPG and PDF files
  • Commercial Use
  • 5 Design Concepts
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • 5-Day Delivery Time
  • 3D Mockup
  • Social Media Kit
  • Jacket Cover
  • Audiobook Cover (ACX)

Ebook Cover Design Standard

$47 /Book
  • Publish Ready eBook Cover Design (Amazon Kindle, IngramSpark, Lulu, etc)
  • Source File - JPG, PNG and PDF files
  • Commercial Use
  • 2 Design Concepts
  • 2 Revisions
  • 3-Day Delivery Time

Ebook Cover Design Pro

$97 /Book
  • Publish Ready eBook Cover Design (Amazon Kindle, IngramSpark, Lulu, etc)
  • Source File - JPG, PNG and PDF files
  • Commercial Use
  • Social Media Kit
  • Jacket Cover
  • Audiobook Cover (ACX)
  • 5 Design Concepts
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • 5-Day Delivery Time

Frequently Asked Questions

Book Writing Service

As an estimate, an average page has about 400 words. So, the basic package of 30,000 words would cover about 75 pages.  Additionally, with photos and graphics, the e-book will likely be longer.


Most of our research is web-based, but we go far beyond the first page of Google results. Additionally, we have access to academic databases, and we can conduct interviews if needed.


Again, this depends on the length of your ebook and the complexity of the topic. However, We typically deliver projects within 2-3 weeks.


Your ebook will be delivered as a Word or google document. If you require a different format, please let us know when you contact me about your project.

In addition to ebook writing and ghostwriting services. We also offer book editing, formatting, publishing services, and lead magnet or eBook design. So, if you need help getting your ebook ready for publication, we can assist you. 


We have over 10 years of Amazon Kindle ebook writing experience, and we are also authors. As book writers or ghostwriters, and editors, we understand the publishing process from start to finish. 


If you have any questions or would like to discuss your project in further detail, please don't hesitate to send us a message in the contact page.


Yes, We do offer discounts for longer projects. Just send us a message, and we'll be happy to provide you with a quote.


If you go through our reviews, you will see that we have a 100% satisfaction rating with all our clients. However, if you are unhappy with the final product, please let us know, and we will make the necessary changes.

A 7-day revision window upon service delivery is required. Due to ongoing orders, we need revisions submitted during this timeframe. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.


We have been working as professional writers for 10+ years. I have written for over 650 books.

We will write an ebook on any topic. Examples include Personal finance Investing, Taxes, Digital Marketing, Self-Help Real Estate, Psychology Cryptocurrencies, Fitness, Health and Wellness, Traveling Lifestyle, Boating Jewelry, Dieting HR, General Business, and M&E Private Equity.

Absolutely! Yes. Unless we agree, on the contrary, We will not be receiving any royalties as the case may be. All copyrights are yours once we deliver the book and the order is approved. Also, We're comfortable signing an NDA.


No problem! Please reach out to us prior to placing an order so we can discuss a special offer that is tailored directly to your needs.

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